I am dedicated to maximize Holistic Wellness in Women.

Here at "Arte de Amarte", I believe that everyone has unlimited potential to achieve even the greatest goals they set for themselves. The journey of true self-acceptance begins with Self-Love. You already have the power within you to unlock your fullest potential and become the authentic Soul you were born to be. All you need is someone to unlock it for you.

My mission is to help you unlock this emotional freedom so that you can finally live a life of Abundance and Freedom.

- Free from the restrictions of emotional, energetic and physical blocks-.

Who is this therapy for?

Do you still think that being stressed from the start of your morning, suffering from muscle aches in your body, feeling low on energy and not enjoying what you do is the "standard" for women today?

The fatigue you carry, is not because of work or your responsibilities.

You are here because some discomfort in your Body or your Vital Energy is making you stop revolutions. 
Perhaps the purring of your Mind has begun to daze you and you feel that you walk your life with a discouraged heart and no clear direction.
Or have you realized, that to continue you need time to Relax ....

I'm going to share with you something that you perceive and have been thinking about for a while...

woman, women, therapy

Your Psychoemotional, Energetic and Physical Well-Being is your Greatest Treasure and Your Best Ally.

And if you don't pay them Attention, Energy and Love to Take Care of You.... No one else will do it for you. And sooner or later the signals will be so intense that Your Soul, Your Being, Your Self, will not shut up, until You Listen, Make Changes and Take Care of Yourself.

You are already a woman full of virtues, hardworking, resilient and with an environment that loves you.

What should I take with me?

In your heart what you want is...

zen woman, harmony balance emotions alternative holistic therapies therapy
  • Feel Happy with yourself and share this Joy with your loved ones.
  • Relax, Release Stress and Increase your Vitality.
  • Restore your Holistic Harmony.
  • Release Pain and Restore Your Natural Posture.
  • Improve All the Systems of your Organism.
  • Revitalize and Rejuvenate
  • Empowering your Self-Esteem
  • Facilitate your Emotions and Thoughts in a natural and Simple way.
  • Gain Freedom by Learning to Assertively Manage your Energy, Mind and Feeling.

"Give yourself the Care and Attention you give to others, and watch yourself blossom."

From my own experience I know that it is not easy to Stop, Decide to Take Care of and Invest in yourself?
Once you start, though, you realize how much you needed this Therapeutic Space.
Time to Reconnect, Heal yourself and take charge of your Wellbeing to Smile again from the Soul. 

Woman relax, emotions in harmony, balance, well-being, joy, I take care of myself,

I have also experienced moments of fear, emotional dissatisfaction, sadness, forced migration, accumulation of stress, physical contractions or mild to serious illnesses. 

And it was my turn to stop...
Listen to me...
And make changes in the way I related to myself.

Changes in my work, habits and routines to start the day. I worked a lot on Forgiving and Accepting myself with my Light and my Shadows, I modified the quality of the time I spend loving myself to take the leap to Transformation and Reclaim my Wellbeing.

My Method

It is from this experience of personal exploration and the practice of more than 12 years in the Therapeutic Field with hundreds of patients that I offer you the Therapeutic Model "The Art of Loving Oneself". Here I integrate the dimensions of Clinical Psychotherapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques, Massage Therapy, Aromatherapy, Vibrational Medicine, Flower Essences and CranioSacral Therapy, among others. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

You may ask... And where do I start?

The Nourish Your Soul Journey and Recover Your Holistic Wellness, is unique and personalized. Each woman is a Universe in itself and resonates best to initiate Healing in a different way. Some, through a Therapeutic Massage, notice the change in their energy and the lack of release of stress and muscle contractions, which changes their mood and perception of their day. Others are clear that it is the Feeling that has them in imbalance and the cloud of Thoughts, and by working on it their energy changes. While others seek to regain their energy and the desire to enjoy their life to connect with the mission that fits their Soul.

I offer you an Individual and Customized Process. (In Person or Online). Where each of your Holistic Systems, your Body, your Mind, your Emotions and your Energy can be taken into account and you choose where we start.

Para facilitarte empezar; así resumo los Programas Terapéuticos  para Ayudarte o como me gusta llamarles  “Viajes del Alma”:

Amarte Therapeutic Programs

In Person and Online

flower essences flower essences flower essences

Facilitate your Emotions

I facilitate the process of realizing how you feel, think and interact with your environment, how you manage your emotions, your personality and your spiritual being and where you want to go.

Transforms crisis, anxiety, fear, anger, transition, change, imbalance.

Learn and Transform

Do you want to learn how to transform your Fears, Anxiety, lack of Self Confidence or Relationship problems? I teach you "EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques" so that it is always within your reach to Balance and Empower your Wellbeing.

ejecutivas, oficinistas, nomadas digitales, tension en cuerpo, deportistas, executives, office workers, digital nomads, body tension, athletes,

Psychotherapy for Women

Do you feel bad, down or are you going through a period of crisis and you think you need the help of a psychologist?
Are you willing to make a big change?


In person

pain relief, holistic massage, holistic massage, natural therapies, goodbye to stress, relaxation. neuromuscular massage, trigger points, pain relief, holistic massage, natural therapies, goodbye to stress, relaxation. neuromuscular massage, trigger points,

Body Alignment

What are you waiting for to feel renewed and Relaxing?
I integrate different modalities and listen to your body. Give me the opportunity to help you heal. Your body and Soul contain the necessary Wisdom, I facilitate the action.  

chi nei tsang abdominal massage, emotions and digestion in harmony, Chi nei tsang abdominal massage, emotions and digestion in harmony

Digestion -Emotion

Used by Chinese monks since Taoist times to help them detoxify and strengthen their bodies. It helps the function of the internal organs, strengthening immunity and emotional balance. Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage

Woman relax, emotions in harmony, balance, well-being, joy, I take care of myself,

Energetic Liberation

Recover your vitality, Rest deeply and Restore the natural processes of Balance and Healing of your Organism. 

Relax and Rejuvenate, facial cosmetics, facial acupuncture, harmony of the internal organs, facials, Cosmetic Teishin Acupuncture. Relax and Rejuvenate, facial cosmetics, facial acupuncture, harmony of the internal organs, facials, Cosmetic Teishin Acupuncture.

Relax and Rejuvenate

Experiencing stress on a regular basis causes premature aging, the visible signs of which are dryness, redness, acne, eye bags and lack of light in the face. Teishin Cosmetic Acupuncture works to Improve these Aspects, offering a Natural Facial Tightening and deep Relaxation, by stimulating the meridians of the internal organs.

"Taking care of your Body, Mind and Spirit is your biggest and greatest Responsibility. It is about listening to the needs of your Soul and then honoring them".

Start living with the Wellness you deserve today.... Discover what more you gain with the Therapeutic Programs and select the one that best suits your needs.


To understand why is to begin to Heal!

"The most important thing I achieved in all of 2020 was to have learned the EFT Technique with Juliana. I found that, hand in hand with love and patience, Juliana helped me to enter into very deep meditative states of self-knowledge and self-understanding. She helped me access information that has been crucial for me to understand the whys of everything I try to resolve in my life, as well as the subtle and powerful ways in which each of those whys connect to the other. I believe I finally have a rounded and deep understanding of myself, and this has helped me to better observe the speech of my inner voice, to notice the moments when I lack self-compassion, and to more easily say goodbye to those harmful messages that used to follow me like shadows for a long time. The road to healing is long and requires persistence and patience. When I started my program with Juliana I told her that I have felt for years that I have been standing on the threshold to health but could not find a way to open the door and enter. I feel that, through my experience with Juliana, I was able to open the door and with small but determined steps I am finally entering that place of peace, health and unconditional love. Thank you Juliana for giving me so much wisdom, so much peace, so much knowledge. Thank you for giving me so many tools that have been fundamental for me (and therefore, for my family). Thank you for listening to me with so much openness and patience, for giving me your hand whenever I needed you and in every moment. Thank you for being my teacher, my healer, my spiritual guide and my companion on the journey of healing. To have met you in this way was the greatest and most special gift that 2020 brought me. Thank you for your light and your perennial smile."
Paula S.
Writer and Cultural Project Manager

What else they say about my work...

How do I Book an Appointment?

I offer you my Therapeutic Services on Online and in Person in San Marcos la Laguna, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. You can request a session of the different therapies I offer, take a Therapeutic Program, (5 or more Sessions). You can attend one of my Courses on the Scheduled Dates or ask for Private Courses.

  • Book more specifically through each of the Pages and for each Therapy or Program. And take advantage of your Free Session (If applicable).
  • Or Contact Me Directly! Green Whatsapp Icon. Tell me your Name, What Therapy/Program or Course are you interested in? Availability of days and time for us to talk, answer your questions and schedule your session.

I'm Juliana Mojica

Clinical Psychologist, Graduate in Alternative Therapies and
EFT Tapping Trainer.

I am here to accompany women like you on your journey.
to Restore your Holistic Wellness.
Calm the Body,
Increase Energy,
Release Emotions and
Nourish the Soul.

I teach you EFT Psychoenergetic Techniques
to conquer your Emotional Freedom
