Teishin Acupuncture
Acupuncture tries to balance the flow of Energy or Vital force, known as "Chi" or "Qi", which flows through channels (Meridians) of your Body. And that many times is channeled in the wrong way by your lifestyle, your habits or your diet. It is a practice that emerged from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in which specific points of the body are stimulated with needles, heat, pressure or metals in a round point such as the Teishin, to treat different diseases.
Who is this therapy for?
It is for those who seek to relax, relieve Stress, Anxiety and other Emotions, empower their Immune System and facilitate their Digestion. Teishin Acupuncture allows to reestablish the balance of the body, facilitating the circulation of energy, triggering analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
What are the benefits?
-Decreases Pain. Regulates the vegetative nervous system so it is useful for chronic pain such as arthritis, and acute pain such as headache, back pain, menstruation, fibromyalgia or pain caused by injuries such as contractures or sprains.
-It releases Stress and Anxiety, because it achieves balance in the body's Energy and helps Relaxation.
-It avoids Insomnia by releasing Anxiety and avoids depressive processes as you will feel less anxious and you will face problems better.
-Activates the Immune System.
How is a Session Run?
A session usually lasts 60 minutes or 90 to 120 minutes when combined with other therapies. When you start, we will have a pre-consultation where I will inquire tu Medical History, the state of your current health. and we will set the Goal for your Therapeutic Session or Program.
You will remain lying on the stretcher with your clothes on and face up or face down and I will uncover different parts of your body to reach the meridian points.
My Method in Acupuncture is with the use of the Teishin, a small healing instrument made of gold, silver and other precious materials (Jade, Obsidian, Lapis Lazuli, etc) that does not pierce the skin. Because they have a rounded end, they have an advantage over needles, as they have the possibility of a punctual and auricular massage, as well as tonifying or dispersing the Energy through the different Metals.
Acupuncture Point Treatment Techniques are used for a number of Psychological complaints. I particularly work with pain, emotional, digestive, immune system and homeostatic Chi energy balancing, bringing the body back to the parasympathetic system.
In my treatments I combine the use of Teishin Acupuncture with the use of plants or herbal compounds, tinctures, therapeutic massages, Moxibustion, cupping, Craniosacral therapy and Aromatherapy among others.
In TCM, the Eight Extraordinary Meridians represent the deepest levels of Energetic structuring. These Meridians are the first to form in the womb and are carriers of Yuan Qi - the ancestral energy that corresponds to our Genetic Inheritance. They function as deep reservoirs of Energy from which the twelve main Meridians can be replenished, and into which the latter can drain their excesses.
How will we work?
Life happens, Acupuncture helps...
Write me to Whatsapp to resolve doubts and schedule your appointment.We will have 60 min session once you have made the payment.
What will I get out of this session?
- Relax
- Restore the flow of your Road Energy.
- Depending on Your Goal: Release Emotions, Inner Peace and Algeria, Release Pain and Tensions or Promote Digestion.
How do I make an Appointment with you?
Check the green Whatsapp Icon to Contact Me and schedule your Appointment.
Or click on the button and Book your Session. You will receive a confirmation email, payment methods and the location of my clinic for your session.