Craniosacral therapy

CranioSacral Therapy CST

It is recommended as a Preventive Treatment because it improves the Immune System and
provides greater Energy, Quality of Sleep and Physical and Mental Balance.

Who is this therapy for?

CST is effective in the treatment of spinal and joint pain and improves bad posture when working at the computer, studying and sleeping, carrying too much weight and performing sudden movements. It also relieves muscle overload from physical exercise, 
It helps to release Migraines, Menstrual pain, Emotional Blockages, Chronic Fatigue, Bruxism and Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome, Cranial Injuries, Tinnitus and Motor Coordination Difficulties among others. It is a therapy that helps to release Stress or Worry, Post-Traumatic and Emotional Stress and improve Visceral dysfunctions.

What should I take with me?

Among the benefits provided by CST are:

  • Increase Blood Flow to the Head, Neck and Shoulders, promoting oxygenation, Circulation and Eliminating Toxins.
  • Soothes muscle discomfort and improves joint mobility.
  • Reduces Tissue Inflammation, Bone, Muscle and Joint overload.
  • It decreases the activity of the sympathetic system, promotes a slower breathing, relieving stress and anxiety.
  • Thanks to the Stimulation of the Parasympathetic System, it facilitates Body Rest and Incites Rest and Relaxation.
  • Relieve Emotional Stress and Improve Mood thanks to the Release of Endorphins.

How is a Session Run?

A session lasts from 90min to two hours, the person lies quietly, clothed, while I make light contact with my hands on selected points around your head, torso, knees and feet. A session can be very relaxing, deep and revealing. Between 3-6 treatments are necessary to solve current problems and for chronic problems may require a longer treatment, but it will depend on each organism.
Other Therapies that I have combined with CranioSacral are Aromatherapy, Crystal Therapy and Teishin Acupuncture.

How does Craniosacral Therapy work?

Heart liberation

CST is a Practical, Gentle, Non-Invasive Healing Modality. It focuses on the Cranial Rhythmic Pulse (CRI) in the form of a Wave that runs through the entire Body.

This therapy comes from Osteopathy, which is an approach that emphasizes the role of the musculoskeletal system in health and disease. It was created by Dr. Sutherland, at the beginning of the 20th century.

The Goal of Craniosacral Therapy is to help Remove the Restrictions in the Membranes and Cerebrospinal Fluid that surround and Protect the Brain and Spinal Cord to enhance and Stimulate the Natural Healing Mechanisms of Central Nervous System Functioning. ¨

How will we work?

  • If you feel Craniosacral Therapy could help you, write me at to schedule an appointment. Free Talk by 15 minutes and get to know each other.
  • We will have 1 session of 90 or 120min, once you have made the payment.

What will I get out of this Session?

  • Release the Tensions in our Body.
  • Feel a deep relaxation.
  • It activates, empowers and accompanies the mechanisms that the organism itself has to correct and heal itself.
  • Improvement of the Immune System.
  • Decrease in the level of stress.

How do I make an Appointment with you?

First we will have a 10 min phone chat via to solve doubts if you need it. Check the green icon to contact me.

Otherwise, just click on the button below and book your session. You will receive a confirmation email, payment methods and the link with the address
